Birth You Desire

Dedicated to the education and process of each individual’s birth journey

Birth You Desire

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Birth You Desire is dedicated to the education and process of each individual’s birth journey. Our birthing and postpartum doulas are available to support your family so you can enjoy your birth experience. Online and Virtual Birth Classes are available for you and your partner to learn about the process on your own time.

Birth and Postpartum Services Offered

​Learn more below and on our website!

Services and Pricing:

Services Cost Description Add Now
Self-Directed Birth Classes $275

Our self-paced online birthing classes and videos offer engaging, evidence-based information on pregnancy and labor. Gain confidence and feel prepared for childbirth. 


Prices vary by class - sign up for classes today!

Live Virtual Group Birth Classes $500

Join our virtual childbirth classes and develop your own custom birth goals. With our expert insights to all things birth, we will help you, as a couple, to navigate your birth options and choices. Together we can help you to achieve the best possible outcome.


The classes occur WEEKLY with the last class being a placeholder for a make-up date if needed. Please note that classes are limited in size for individual attention.


These classes fill fast due to the limited size. Learn more here and Register today!

Nutrition Personal Counseling $525

Birth You Desire offers nutrition coaching virtually on zoom in both workshops and 1:1 coaching. Gain the knowledge and skills you need to have the best possible pregnancy, birth, and postpartum recovery.


Learn more here.


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